
Overseas emergency medical evacuation & repatriation

Overseas emergency
medical evacuation & repatriation

WorldwideCare stands firmly with you anywhere in the world.

 Emergency Medical Situation Headquarter 24 / 7 +82-2-567-1999

Overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation Procedure

Overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation Procedure

Submit Request

• Please contact the Emergency Medical Situation Headquarters immediately in the event of a sudden emergency situation, and provide the patient's current status, full name, date of birth, local contact information, etc.

Assessment of the Patient's Condition

• Our medical professionals consult with local hospitals to determine if emergency medical evacuation is needed and feasible.

• We search for airlines capable of emergency medical transport, coordinate schedules, and obtain confirmation from the airline.

Emergency Medical Evacuation via Commercial Aircraft

• The emergency medical evacuation team transports necessary medical equipment to the hospital where the emergency patient is located.

• After meeting with local hospital medical staff, the patient's condition and the plan for emergency medical transfer is explained to the guardian.

• A stretcher seat, which takes up about 6-7 regular seats, is installed on the aircraft to create an isolated bed space for emergency patient transport.

• Emergency medical personnel capable of immediate emergency response accompanies the patient during emergency medical transport.

Emergency Medical Evacuation via Air Ambulance

• Accompanied by medical staff, the emergency medical evacuation team moves to the local hospital where critically ill emergency patient is located.

• After meeting with local hospital medical staff and assessing the emergency patient's condition, the plan for emergency medical transfer via air ambulance is explained to the guardian.

• Appropriate medical equipment suitable for the patient's condition is prepared in the air ambulance to ensure stable emergency medical trasnfer for the critically ill emergency patient.

• After receiving departure clearance from the local airport, the patient is transported with intensive care provided from the accompanying medical staff.

Transfer to the Arranged Hospital

• Upon arrival at the destination airport, the patient is transferred by ambulance to the arranged hospital that has been contacted beforehand.

• The patient is handed over to the medical professionals at the arranged hospital.

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

  • Procedures of overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation

Cases by overseas emergency transfer & repatriation of WorldwideCare

Cases by overseas emergency
transfer & repatriation of WorldwideCare

Our emergency medical transfer team will do their best