


Feel reassured with WorldwideCare anywhere in the world.

since 2016 WorldwideCare




Since 2016


WorldwideCare provides overseas emergency medical evacuation and repatriation assistance services upon the medical team's decision in case of unexpected accidents or serious illnesses for those traveling, studying, or working abroad.

WorldWideCare offers access to overseas emergency medical evacuation support services during overseas travel or local stays.
Our Emergency Medical Situation Headquarters operates 24/7, ensuring prompt and appropriate assistance for emergency medical evacuation and repatriation.

Anywhere in the world, during emergencies caused by unexpected circumstances,
WorldwideCare provides overseas emergency medical evacuation and repatriation
to nearby hospitals, neighboring countries,
or home country where treatment is available.
Our staff is committed to ensuring patients receive
optimal care to recover and resume their daily lives.

We wish health and happiness in your homes.

Overseas emergency
medical evacuation & repatriation
by WorldwideCare

Overseas emergency
medical evacuation & repatriation
by WorldwideCare

WorldwideCare promptly and appropriately handles
critically ill or emergency patients anywhere in the world.

  • Transfer by stretcher seats on the aircraft

    WorldwideCare swiftly transfers patients to nearby hospitals, neighboring countries, or home country where treatment is available.

  • Air ambulance transfer & repatriation

    Accompanying medical team taking intensive care of emergency patients and evacuate them to hospitals where treatment is possible.

  • Operation 24/7
    Emergency Medical Situation Headquarter

    Professional nurses and coordinators provide consultation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

How to use WorldwideCare

How to use WorldwideCare

In case of emergency patients

  • Notification Talk

    In the case of an emergency patients, Please contact our Emergency Medical Situation Headquarter at any time, available 24/7, 365 days a year.

  • Emergency medical consultation

    Please provide the current condition of the emergency patient.

  • Overseas emergency medical evacuation & repatriation

    We also offer medical support services such as medical advice, medical interpretation, and medical monitoring.

Cases of overseas emergency evacuation & repatriation



Cases of overseas emergency
evacuation & repatriation